Now it is no secret I love an ice hockey romance. And that is where Elle Kennedy comes in. Author of one of my favourite sports romances EVER! The Graham effect. So this book was highly anticipated. But sadly , lately they are not hitting the mark. And after the Graham effect the bar is set extremely high.
The Charlie method is the third and final book in the campus diaries series
This is a generational spin off from Off campus , the OG hockey romance series.
We have a new FMC (female main character) Charlotte Kingston. Which we follow on her journey of self acceptance and finding her place within the world after being adopted as a child. She is stereotypical sorority girl with a pristine image. But from the very beginning and I am talking page one. We see she a secret side.
We don’t only have ONE MMC …. But TWO. Will Larsen and Beckett Dunne Briar university ice hockey players.
Now I know I am not a fan of reverse harems or MFM relationships and this was no exception. However , I did enjoy the storyline as they proceeded to navigate their relationship between the three of them. And for Charlotte being judged is one of her biggest fears. So this book is all about self acceptance and liberation.
It is written in multiple POV’s three obviously . And as with all the campus diaries we are graced with mixed media chapters throughout.

I enjoyed that it was something different from Elle Kennedy and dealt with some heavier issues such as adoption and grief. However , sorry Elle there was more I didn’t enjoy.
The smut was repetitive especially between the three of them. But like with every review reading is subjective . I mean kay loved it. But in a very truthful review she did say if it had been one MMC it would have not got the five stars she rated it.
At times I felt that it was trying to hard to be funny. Such as the Fan fiction chapters (if you read it you’ll know what I am talking about). And the text messages in the “dads chat” it felt to forced where as in previous books the humour flowed naturally because the characters lent themselves to that.
It was a heafty read at over 500 pages . But a solid read regardless. But I still will buy and read anything this woman writes.
I rated this 3 Stars